On June 6, 2023 at the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art.) in Moscow there was held the Conference of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Academy of Engineering” (RAE). Taking into account the implementation of measures to reduce the danger of the COVID-19 spread in Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation, the Conference was held in a hybrid (offline and online) mode. Full members (Academicians) and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Engineering: Presidium members, delegates from sections, regional representative offices and scientific centers of RAE took part in the Conference.
Boris Vladimirovich Gusev, President of the Russian Academy of Engineering, RAE Academician, made a summary report “On the work undertaken by the All-Russian Public Organization” Russian Academy of Engineering” for 2022 and on preparations for the III Congress of the Russian Engineers” (Presentation). The report summarizes the activities in all 30 areas, including the main ones: energy engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, construction, robotization, transport, ecology, etc.
RAE Academician, Chief Scientific Secretary and RAE Vice President Ivanov L.A. presented the results of the XIV International Scientific Forum “Perspective Tasks of the Engineering Science” to the conference participants (Presentation)
Academician-Secretary of the Section “Technology of Light Industry” RAE, Advisor to the Rector of the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art.) Razumeev K.E. informed the conference participants about the IV International Kosyginsky Forum “Modern Tasks of Engineering Sciences” in 2024 and proposals for the forum preparations.

The following participants took part in the discussion of the summary report:
Nikulin V.A., RAE Academician, Head of the RAE Udmurt Representative Office, RAE Presidium Member;
Baksheev D.S, RAE Academician, RAE Vice President, RAE Presidium Member;
Gorokhov Yu.I., RAE Corresponding Member, Member of the Russian Union of Architects, Member of the RAE Ryazan Representative Office;
Liberzon M.R, RAE Academician, RAE Presidium Member;
Tyan V.A., RAE Academician, RAE Presidium Member;
Sergeeva T.K, RAE Academician, RAE Presidium Member, IAACC President;
Ivanov L.A., RAE Academician, Chief Scientific Secretary and RAE Vice President;
Saurin V.V., RAE Academician, RAE Academician-Secretary of the section “Engineering Mechanics”, RAE Presidium Member; and others.
All speakers took a favourable view of the Academy performance in 2022.
Full members (Academicians) and Corresponding Members from various cities and regions of the Russian Federation were elected to the Russian Academy of Engineering. Elected members of the Academy represent Moscow, St. Petersburg, city of Artyom on the Primorsky Territory, Belgorod, Verkhnetemernitsky settlement, Rostov Region, Voronezh, Zhukovsky, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Korolev, Krasnogorsk, Kraskovo settlement, Moscow Region, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Neryungri, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Sarov, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khimki
Full members (foreign Academicians) and foreign members (foreign Corresponding Members) of the Russian Academy of Engineering from Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand were elected at the Conference. In order not to exceed the number of foreign members elected by the RAE Presidium, some worthy candidates were not submitted by the election committee. Therefore, in the fall of this year, there will be held by-elections for those who could not be considered due to the restriction on the number of the elected members.
At the Conference, it was decided to exclude Speransky Anatoly Alekseevich from All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Academy of Engineering” and from the Presidium (Bureau) of the Academy as well as to dismiss him form the post of the Academy Vice-President in connection with his actions that damage business reputation of the Academy and with an unethical attitude towards the governing bodies of the Academy.
Resolution of the Conference of the Conference of the Russian Academy of Engineering >>
Congratulations to all the chosen ones, we wish you good health, vigor and optimism, prosperity, and inexhaustible creative success!
Presidium of the Russian Academy of Engineering